Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How fragile life is

Sometimes it takes dramatic, life changing events to make you really tke stock in what you have and what you are doing. Today is one of those days. This will probably the only time I speak or write about this in detail and I am only doing it to gte all of this off my chest.

Regardless of what I say and regardless of how much I might complain, I truly believe that I have had a very forutnate and blessed life.

Last night, the apartment below mine caught on fire, killing the two occupants in there sleep.

The crazy part is that the only reason that I woke up was because the firefighters were in the process of kicking my door in to clear the apartment and make sure the flames didn't spread. The smoke didn't wake me nor did the sirens of the two fire trucks, two ambulances and four police cars. I am pretty sure that I was the last person out of the building, at least on my side of the building.

What is wierd is that today, I feel the safest that I have ever felt living in this apartment. In old apartments like these, I was told that fires spread much easier and cause considerable damage to multiple aka that means I would have been crispier than the Colonel's extra-cripsy chicken. The fire walls and the safeguards in the apartment building are solid which makes me feel very secure. Really the only damage to my apartment is my broken door from when the door was kicked in, the window screens that were broken by the firefighters, a little bit of smoke around the pipe orefices that connect my apartment to the ont below and a smokey smell which will obviously need to be cleaned out.

Anyways, I am perfectly alright and that is what is really important. I think I am fully vented.

These things happen and all we can do is hope and pray that when it does, we come out on the good side.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Get ya popcorn ready!

So for the TO reference but it light of the topic I plan to write about, it seemed appropriate,.

It's been almost a month since my last post. Where has the time gone? I've been practically living out of my suitcase(s) for the month of May. So, I have been doing some really fun stuff. I got to see some great friends and talk about the things that make me happy in life. For those who know me well, know that I love to watch movies. When I am happy, sad, or just trying to kill time, I watch movies. At home, the theaters, a party, wherever. If there is a movie on, I plan to watch it. I have even gone so far as to require any woman that I have seriously dated to be a fan of my favorite movie, The Usual Suspects (It generally doesn't go so well).

I say all this only to introduce my post for today. While I was in Chicago, I went to see Terminator: Salvation with Rob and Lance. In normal movie-goer fashion, we discussed our likes and dislikes upon completion of the movie. After we discussed the movie, Lance said something really interesting to me. He said that I should be a movie critic. At first I dismissed it but after I got back to Midland and promptly watched the Blockbuster Movie (The Illusionist) that was waiting in my mailbox. I began to really think about it. What would it take to be a good movie critic? I know what I like but who's to say what I like about movies is what others will find valuable information about movies.

Movie critics usually get ridiculed for not understanding what the general public likes in movies. Which from the outside looking in makes sense. Critics often write about the artistic nature of the film, the subtleties of the dialogue, emotional engagement with the character and connection to the audience through the third wall. The normal every day person wants to see believable acting, good action, good effects and a compelling but not to intellectual story (IMHO). So this observation begs the question why? Critics are normal people too. My attempt to answer the why is that movie critics watch movies for a living. I would compare it to those who drink a particular beverage frequently. You know the taste completely. All of the subtleties of the interaction between the sugar, water and other additives. So when something is a little different, you pick up on it right away. I think the same applies for movie critics. They watch movies so much that the normal everyday movie does not excite them. Movies that are made to be commercially appealing can come off as bland because what is fresh and exciting for the occasional movie watcher does not satisfy the right-brain of those whose job is to identify what is special in pieces of cinema everyday.

So, I now sit here pondering what would life be like if I had chosen to become a professional movie critic and not a supply chain professional. I have a feeling it would have ruined movie watching for me. The thing I like about movies is the surprise, especially when you get surprised after having watched the movie multiple times, and the ability to become fully immersed in a film and forget everything else that is going on. As a movie-lover, I don't think I could ever give up that connection to cinema.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Do we have to thank the servicemen all of the time?

It has been over a month since my last post which is ridiculous considering a whole lot has gone on this past month.

With that being said, let me clear up something about my title. I am very appreciative of all the sacrifices that our members of the United States Armed Forces make in order to protect the freedoms and privileges that we as a country hold so dear. I also fully understand how that sacrifice effects the family and friends of our proud military men and women.

So, why the question? I probably should provide a little background. I spent the past week celebrating the nuptials of my closest friend from high school who is also a United States Marine. A decent contingent of Marines that he works with flew to St. Louis for the ceremony so I spent a lot of time. Regardless of where we went, as soon as it was discovered that they were Marines, a chorus of praise and adulation filled the air. I will never forget the looks of anguish on there faces after having to respond to endless iterations of the same and somewhat shallow "Thank you for your service." In my opinion, they seemed more stressed than honored to receive the praise.

I am all for giving credit where credit is due but after what I saw this weekend it begs me to wonder, do we really need to thank every different soldier that we meet with every chance that we get? It seems that ever since 9/11 and the War on terrorism began, the country has entered into this hyper-appreciative, hyper-congratulatory spirit for all of the "boots on the ground." Maybe its just me, but it seems to dilute the significance of giving genuine thanks. This in by no means reflect that I believe that people are not being sincere in their expressions of thanks. However after being with a group of soldiers for multiple days in a row, it seems that they have heard it so much that they are becoming desensitized to it.

Obviously, they are cordial and appreciative of the thanks but have you ever seen someone who is truly grateful for a word of thanks? If you have you know that it is an expression that cannot be faked and it is abundantly clear that the brief word of thanks struck a cord within them somewhere. I believe that is the kind of thanks that our men and women of the military deserve. To give you an example of what I mean, at my friend's wedding, the father of the bride gave a heartfelt and almost tearful thanks to all of the past and present military men and women in attendance during his toast. You could see that his heart was in it and because of it every current and former military person at the reception had that same expression that I commented on earlier in this paragraph. It was a joy to see the impact that the 1-minute expression of thanks had on the entire room.

For those that read what I have written and have become offended, I am sorry. However, I stand by every word in this post. I believe that it is great that people feel compelled to thank our military personnel for there service. From now on, however, instead of issuing a blanket thank to every soldier that I meet, I plan to reserve them for the special moments when I know those selected soldiers will understand the immense depth of my appreciation for their selfless service to our country and the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made, to keep me and my loved ones safe.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


It is amazing how themes can carry on throughout an entire weekend. For me, the theme of this weekend was establishing your swagger. As Katt Williams would say, "tuning into your star player."

This weekend wasn't about me establishing my swag because I already know me but it was about helping others to discover there swag. On Friday, I was out with some friends and this guy whom I have never met walked up and kept complaining how he wasn't getting any girls because he had just got out of a relationship. From my assessment, that girl screwed up his mind and crushed his swag. He carried an air of timidness and for a man by my best guess was about 6 ft tall, 235 lbs, that is no small feat. So a friend and I gave him a quick lesson about swag, Needless to say, the next time I saw him, he was walking out of the bar with a smiling woman on his arm.

This is the power of swag, it takes everything about you and makes them desirable but turning your faults and insecurities into charming characteristics that draws people to you takes an inner understanding and satisfaction with yourself that is unflinching and never wavers. At this point, I have told you what swag is and what it can do for you but where does it come from?

Swag is not a tangible object. It's more of an abstract conception that you enrich the lives of everyone you meet regardless of how trivial the interaction because you are just that awesome. Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to teach you how to grow your swag . I also do not believe that no one can tell you how to do it. If someone tries to tell you different, watch out because they might also be a snake oil salesman. At its core, Swag is confidence. The kind of confidence that permeates all aspects of your life and radiates to everyone around you. It's like you have a golden aura of attractability around you.

Do you know the feeling that you get when you are the best at something? Like when you get a A on a test and no one else does or when you are the best player on the court or when you have the hottest girlfriend in the room? That is swag at its infancy. In maturity, that feeling permeates through all aspects of your life regardless of your actual ability. You feel that you can do anything and even when you fail you can still shrug it off and not let it bring you down. There are also some down sides to having too much swag. Sometimes you can be too brash or too arrogant, which turns people off. You could also mistake your confidence for competence and make some really bad decisions.

So, fully maximized swag is really about being confident in your abilities but also being secure enough to know that you can't know everything and sometimes you need some help. In light of full disclosure, I firmly believe that I have a long way to go to reach full swag, on a 1 to 10 scale where 10 is full swag, I believe I am at a 6.5 however I recognize that being swag-alicious takes time and i'm gonna do me until I reach the top.

I've got to go now. Stay up, do you and happy swagging!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Writing for the sake of writing

I have been thinking to myself "man, I should write something in my blog." Unfortunately there is nothing going on that I feel that I need to share my insight about. I have done a lot of really cool things since my last post, the world has gone through some very well-chronicled situations, and what I have always to be believed as true has finally revealed itself: Chris Brown is crazy. However, none of these things have spurred when to take to keyboard and expound upon the events of the time.

I am trying to keep this blog as non-political as possible which is very difficult these days and I don't want it to be a series of essays about racial injustice. Which unfortunately can be hard because I live in a town of 40,000 and no more than 5% of the population is of minority descent. So what should I write about? I assume everyone would be amused be the disgraceful showing that I put on while trying to curl. Also, many of my friends would be happy to know that I have finally started going back to the gym (ladies look out, my charisma with an in-shape body would prove for some exciting times in my life). I have learned that I am a much more interesting and likable person after taking out all of my frustrations at the gym. I also feel less guilty about sitting on the couch watching a movie after a 90 minute body-killing workout.

It has finally been confirmed that my mother, Shanda Kay West, is intent on setting me up with women from all across the country. When I first moved to Midland, she told me to visit DC to meet up with this girl who I have known for a long time and haven't seen in years, then on another occasion she wanted he to take a girl from St. Louis to lunch because she thought that the girl was cute and interesting and then yesterday my mother almost demanded that I take a specific lady (who is actually a really cool person) to dinner or a movie or something when I am in Texas later this year. This is mom being mom but at some point, it's got to stop. She has been doing this since I was old enough to drive and it usually ends badly. If you have ever experienced match-making by your parents or other family members, then you will understand. Oh well, at least she cares.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Alabama Leprechauns? Really?

It seems that I start off every blog by saying sorry and I can't belive that it is been so long since I have posted. So for the 4 or five people out there that actually read this blog, I once again say sorry and I can't believe that it has been over two months since my last post. A lot has actually been going on in my life but I will not write about any of it in this blog. I am going to address something that has shaken my confidence in the american people to my core.

I just recently returned from a trip to my Alma Mater and was exposed to a specific youtube video originating as an actual news story from a small media outlet in Alabama that broadcasted a story about the possible sightings of a leprechaun in a tree in Alabama.

If you haven't seen the video, here it is.

When I first saw the video, I thought it was funny but after thinking about, I got increasingly disturbed at the amount of widestream pleasure that individuals across the country were getting from the embarrassment of a group of lower-income African Americans. There is a specific line in the video that seems to be a de facto rallying cry that likens Mel Gibson's exhortation before the final battle in Braveheart or Leonidas' confident roar about the profession of the Men of Sparta. This unfortunate line served as the rallying cry for the evenings escapades for our highly educated and accomplished group of individuals. The more shocking the matter was that regardless where we were (the party bus, the piano bar, on the street, etc) there were equally as if not larger groups who knew exactly what we were talking about immediately as the phrase was uttered and responded as if it was their own call to arms.

I am generally not one to subscribe to conspiracy theories that the media is out to get a particular group of people however at some point I believe some programming manager at the television station should have said "This makes the people of Mobile, AL look really bad. Maybe we should not air it." It would not have been a huge controversy to not air it. Come on, it's a story about a leprechaun sighting in an impoverished neighborhood in downtrodden Mobile, Alabama. Is that really a subversion of free press to not air the piece? Even though this story originally aired in 2006, I am sure there was plenty of relevant and entertaining news going on that could have filled that two-minute segment which will now exist virtually in infamy.

Isolated events like this very rarely cause me to stir but the aggregation of this, the Delonas/New York Post cartoon, a revisiting of the Whistle-Tip video and the end of United Black World Month (Black History Month for the old school) has really got me concerned about the amount of pleasure that can come from the embarrassment of a group of people which seems to be disproportionately focused on impoverished African-Americans. I feel somewhat of a Gloomy Gus by harping on this. I'm always down for a funny story or a good time but at some point it goes from funny to sad. I understand that people say and do ridiculous things but does it really need to be a feature story on the nightly news. My grandmother always talked about not "airing the family's dirty laundry." Unfortunately, this is dirty laundry for evey American citizen and with the advent and popularity of youtube it has been aired to everyone in the world.

I could write more but I won't so this is what I have. It is what it is...